Stream of consciousness Saturday – The Beginning, The End

I have not participated in this challenge for a few months. Time to get back into it! The brief from Linda.J.Hill is as follows:-

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “the beginning, the end.” Write about the beginning of something and the end of  something. Bonus points if your first sentence contains “the end” and your last sentence contains “the beginning.” <– Read that again. Have fun!

The end came after many years. I am talking about a series of events that led the author to write a novel. Every story needs a good beginning and a satisfactory end. But where does one begin. How does one start to explain how it all came about, which characters to include and how each individual’s involvement influenced the ultimate outcome. Creating order out of the chaos of events, trying to be objective, suppressing emotions, forgetting then remembering bits of detail that are crucial to the story. Then the first awful draft is done, put away to rest, brought out again because the story is still not done, its course changing as the years fly by. Something is taken out something else is added, the whole manuscript is reworked then put down to rest again. Will it ever end?

After several years the pressing on the heart becomes more intense; the story bursting to be released. So once again work begins and a completely new version of the truth is written and completed until the book is finally in the author’s hands. The characters live within the covers forever, the story reveals the secrets, no longer hidden from the world. That is the end of the story but marketing it to the reading public is only at The Beginning.

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