A Travel Adventure with Our Children – Stoneleigh Weekend

07 June to 09 June 2024

Lollz had plans to spend the weekend with a friend in Poole so she left the flat on Friday morning and took a bus to her destination.
Earl and I had brunch at a lovely Brasserie, Gazette, near Plantation Wharf. He had Eggs Benedict and I indulged in a croissant with avocado pear and two cups of excellent coffee. The restaurant is French and they certainly know how to make café!

Eggs Benedict and Croissant

Later in the afternoon, we walked to Clapham Junction to get the 16:03 train to Stoneleigh where we spent the weekend with our good friends, Paddy and Dick.

In 1988 I brought Lollz to England and it was a first for us both. She had heard that the British fishmongers wrapped their fish and chips in newspaper and that was what she wanted to try. However, by then, it was considered unhygienic and we could only get it served in a takeaway box. So when on Friday, Paddy and Dick ordered fish and chips in, I was delighted to find it was wrapped in unprinted newspaper! I had to take a photo for Lollz’s benefit.

A small portion was big enough for two!

We had a wonderful catch-up after not seeing Paddy and Dick for many years. I had been over in 2013 and 2018 but this was the first time Earl had seen them since they’d moved over here. The men went to bed at half past nine but Paddy and I sat up chatting until after 11!

On Saturday morning we had a leisurely breakfast and bonded some more with Paddy and Dick. We also took a drive and visited Richmond Park This land was bought by Charles 1 in the seventeenth century and is home to more than 650 fallow deer. Being the nature lovers that we are, we were delighted to see a herd of deer. The stags had the most magnificent antlers.

Click on the first picture to enlarge then use arrows to watch the slide show. Press escape to return to the blog.

Later in the afternoon, Paddy and Dick took us to their daughter’s home where we had a magnificent meal. Lindsay and Dan have two little boys. Jeanette, their other daughter, and another South African couple, Ben and Sasha were also there with their two kids so it was a very happy gathering. We were also celebrating Paddy’s birthday.

It was quite cold this morning but the sun came out later in the afternoon and we were able to sit outdoors till quite late. It’s lovely to see these ex-pats enjoying a wonderful lifestyle in England. They have not forgotten how to braai! (Dan is not South African but since his marriage to Lindsay he has taken to being the braai master and he is good at it!)

All too soon the weekend was over. It was so amazing connecting with Paddy and Dick. Years ago when they were still in SA and our offspring were still kids we thought we’d never age. We laughed as we compared health issues and medications and agreed that despite all that we still feel like we did way back then. We feel extremely lucky that our kids are settled and happy, creating stunning memories, and still want us to share it all with them.

Thanks, Paddy, Dick, Dan, Lindsay, and Jeannette for being such awesome hosts and making our stay so enjoyable. We loved catching up with you all and we absolutely loved meeting your little boys for the first time.

While waiting for our train at Stoneleigh station, I heard and saw some parakeets flying over. Then to my great joy, one settled high up in a branch on a tree and I managed to get some photographs. These rose-ringed parakeets are wild living non-native birds. It is believed that the population began when some escaped pet parakeets never returned to their cages and began breeding. They are perfectly happy living as immigrants in the UK!

We began the weekend at Gazette and as Lollz was only due to return much later on Sunday evening we decided not to shop for supplies but indulge in dinner out, once again at this lovely French restaurant. A good way to begin and end our weekend!

Octopus for me
Rabbit for him

4 thoughts on “A Travel Adventure with Our Children – Stoneleigh Weekend

  1. Liz

    Excellent photos where the herd of deer are looking straight at you. That’s my favourite.

    Another post showing your fun adventures. The weather seamt to be kind for you all in the photos.


    1. puppy1952 Post author

      Thank you, Liz. I was delighted that the stags looked straight at me during their photo shoot.

      One cannot believe that it is summer here. It’s as cold as a Cape winter! But we have been lucky not to have had floods of rain. I should have brought warmer jerseys but have managed with light cardigans, pullovers, leggings and a puffer jacket.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. wetanddustyroads

    I don’t know why, but fish and chips always taste better when wrapped in paper! You seem to have had a great time with your friends (and I’m impressed that Dan, who is not South African, is called the braai master). And beautiful photos of the deer – they have quite impressive horns!


    1. puppy1952 Post author

      Yes – the traditional way of eating British fish and chips is definitely the best.

      Dan has been married to his South African wife for many years. He had no option but to learn to braai!

      It was such a novelty for us to see the fallow deer and the antlers really fascinated us. They were indeed impressive. We were lucky to see so many males when we were there as sometimes, they do not come out to greet the tourists!

      Liked by 1 person


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