A Travel Adventure with Our Children – Bari, Italy

Sunday, 16 June 2024

The MSC Splendida docked at Bari at 07:00. Our clocks were put back an hour at midnight last night. Departure was at 14:00 so our visit to the town of Bari was brief.

Of course, it was hot! The Earl decided not to come with us. Instead, he explored the ship and had a great morning.

Dominika, Sash, Lisa, Lollz, and I walked all the way into town. We walked along the waterfront and went to see the Basilica of San Nicola. We then explored the narrow streets and the town square. We visited another church too. The photos depict all of what we saw on our excursion.

When we returned, the Earl told me he had found a quieter spot on Deck 14. We found a table easily and soaked in the hot tub before swimming in the pool, There were very few people in this part of an otherwise very busy deck.

The ship departed later than scheduled as some passengers had not yet embarked. We think they forgot to put their watches back an hour and were confused about the departure time!

We all went to the theatre together this evening. The show was called Light and Shadows and the performer, a man and his lady assistant, simply used their hands and a few simple props to create the most amazing images on a screen. It was an amusing and excellent performance for which they received a standing ovation,

After the show, we had drinks in one of the lounges. We usually go to the early sitting for dinner but Lisa and Dominika assured us that there would be space at their table so we went to the later sitting. There was a chance we would not be allowed in and would have to go to the buffet but it all turned out well.

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