A Travel Adventure with Our Children – Olympia

18 June 2024

We were at sea all day today. We were both feeling under the weather so spent most of the day resting. In the evening we went to the ‘elegant evening’ dinner and then to the theatre to see an excellent magic show. Dinner was quite special this evening. I had a brie starter and the Earl had lobster bisque. We both had Duck l’orange for mains and dessert was chocolate ice cream for him and After 8 mint chocolate cake mousse for me.

19 June 2024

This morning we made an early start. The ship docked at 07:00 and we disembarked at 7:30 to join Bus 4 to Olympia. Lollz and Sasha were with us but Lisa and Dominika were on Bus 5.

Driving through the countryside reminded us of the Western Cape. The climate is similar and so much of the vegetation is familiar. Our guide told us they mainly farm potatoes, tomatoes, and watermelons but also some corn and, of course, olives, and grapes for winemaking.

The guided tour of Olympia was about an hour and our guide gave us very interesting information about the ruins.

 The ancient stadium at Olympia hosted the Olympic Games. Spectators sat on the slopes, while stone seats were reserved for judges.  The stadium’s course was 200 yards long. It could accommodate 40,000 spectators. Only men were allowed to compete. To prevent women from secretly entering, the athletes competed naked.

It was very hot today and we were grateful for the many trees that provided shade. By the time the tour was over the Earl and I were both feeling poorly. We were allowed a few minutes to use the facilities and get a drink/snack before being taken to the village for 40 minutes of free time. Earl and I had an ice cream.

The village was not far and we were told to return to the parking area at 11:10 where the bus would be waiting. We left Earl to rest on a bench in a cool, shady spot. Sasha went off on his own and Lollz and I went to explore the lovely Greek shops. We made a few small purchases and then returned to find Sasha and Earl enjoying a lovely cool drink.

Sasha and Lollz got off the bus at the village of Katakolon but the Earl and I went back to the ship as we both desperately needed a nap.

It is now nearly six o’clock and we feel quite refreshed. We will go to dinner and the theatre tonight.

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