Share your World 7 October 2019

Here is my contribution to this week’s Share Your World


Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat) a good thing, a bad thing or a mixture of both?

I think all these are great if you use them intelligently. Nobody is forcing you to share your every action or thought. Nor do you have to read absolutely everything that is shared by others. Personally, I love Facebook as it keeps me in touch with people I would long ago have lost contact with. I don’t use the other apps much but they’re also fun. My granddaughter is not on Facebook.  I encouraged her to open an account and this was her reply. – “Really Gran? It’s for old people! My generation uses Instagram!” And here was me thinking I was so up to date!

Parents need to be aware of what is going on with their children and modern ones have their work cut out for them controlling their kids’ social media.   It’s a matter of teaching them how to use the apps correctly.  I know plenty who seem to have the right balance.

Are you camera shy or do you pose for the camera with confidence?

I used to hate being photographed. I thought I was not photogenic. Then when I started being the one who took the photos I found that those who ‘spoke’ to the camera were more photogenic than those who shied away.  Now I at least pretend to be confident in front of the lense and ‘talk’ to the camera too.  It has helped ever so slightly.  Photographs are memories and I do want to be remembered by my descendants when I die.

Is there anything you’ve kept from younger years for sentimental reasons alone?

I do have mementos given to me by pupils and/or their parents that I will never part with. I also have paintings and ornaments that I inherited. And I’ve kept Birthday and Mother’s Day cards that my kids have given me.  

Do you like to decorate for different holidays?


If I am at home for Christmas then I put up and decorate a tree. We are usually at our daughter’s and the decor is there. I like to be sure the table is set appropriately. At Easer I hide eggs even though the kids are all over 14! We don’t do Halloween to the same degree as the USA so no decorating for that. However, the sweets are ready just in case trick and treaters come to the door.


Do you feel you’re a strong person character-wise?   

If a strong character is one who is loyal, has integrity and a mind of her own – then Yes I am a person of strong character.

Also, if you do have a gratitude thought or picture you’d like to share, please feel free!   The world can always use more positive vibes!

In January 1999 our daughter brought her two young sons, aged 4 months and 18 months to live with us and we helped her raise them.   After a deep discussion with my oldest grandson about why this happened and how it might have turned out differently had a Judge made a different decision regarding their custody, he said, “Well, Gran, I had an awesome childhood!”  And for this, I am truly grateful.   What else could a grandmother wish for?

I have shared these photos before – but they are just so appropriate for this question that here they are again.


Gran with her boys when they were little


A re-take with them all grown up sometime later!



6 thoughts on “Share your World 7 October 2019

  1. Melanie B Cee

    Thanks so much for Sharing Your World!! You’ve explained to me, at last, why I don’t see much of my nieces and nephews on Facebook. They’ve apparently gravitated to Instagram or Snapchat. Well darn. Because I’ve tried using Instagram and I just don’t like it. Won’t even consider Snapchat at all. Like you I was using Facebook to keep in touch with family. Well I guess the group of ‘old’ people (relatives and friends) I have on Facebook will have to do. The younger ones know where to find me any way. 🙂 Your picture share was AMAZING. Such lovely young men, and very photogenic, just like their grandma! 🙂


    1. puppy1952 Post author

      Aw Melanie – You are so sweet to say so. I am just so lucky to have awesome grandchildren. It’s been quite a journey but so well worth it. Yes- the grandchildren are all into snapchat and instagram which I simply don’t use. I did have a facttime chat with my grandson in Hungary today though. That was fun.


  2. joey

    The photos are precious. I hadn’t seen them before, and I do so love the redo 🙂
    I spent most of summers and breaks from school with my grandparents on both sides when I was small, and I, too, feel extraordinarily blessed to have had that time. My grandparents had SUCH a heavy influence in my life. I miss them all.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. puppy1952 Post author

      I, too, had amazing grandparents and so did my hubby who was also raised by his. It is their example that we as grandparents follow now. I feel sad for kids who don’t have grandparents and for grandparents who don’t get to see their grandkids.

      Liked by 1 person


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