October Photo a Day Challenge

Citysonnet’s prompt for today is Pets

We no longer have pets but two white rabbits turned up in our garden a year ago.   We found the owner who told us they were supreme escape artists and not to worry about them.  They go where they will go! So are they really pets?   We built them a hutch and put out food but otherwise don’t worry about them and they come and go as they please.  We enjoy their visits but don’t have to worry about them when we travel.  When we return, they’re in the garden within a day or two.


Imagine our shock when we first saw these two intruders

Picasa_260 Bunnies in my garden 2018-06-17 10-12-34 AM

They soon made themselves at home –


They believe the veggie patch is there for them

[016269] Bunny 2018-06-22 1-00-08 PM

The flowers taste good too!

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