Lockdown in South Africa – Day 22

The second phase of Lockdown began today.  We were looking forward to freedom today but are thankful that our government is taking the right precautions to ensure the safety of its citizens.

Today is calm, warm and slightly overcast.  The washing is on the line, the house is clean and so I am settling down to do a photographic challenge. Today’s black and white challenge from Cee requires the subject to have double letters in its name. Here is my take on it.

[016269] Bunny 2018-06-22 1-00-08 PM

Bunny chomping my flowers!

IMG_0593 Ground Hornbill 2018-01-03 9-55-18 AM

Ground Hornbill in Kruger National Park

IMG_0668 hippo 2018-01-03 1-28-40 PM

Hippopotamus on a grazing expedition

IMG_0679 Wattled Lapwing 2018-01-03 1-45-47 PM

Wattled Lapwing

IMG_1780 Cheetah 2018-01-09 1-09-45 PM

Cheetah with a full tummy  – yes that is blood on his nose!

IMG_1627 Giraffe Face 2018-01-08 4-54-00 PM

Giraffe in sepia

IMG_2119 Grey-headed sparrows

Grey-headed sparrows


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